
I guess it is time to update this About page.  Lots of changes have happened to my life, but this page as remained stagnate for too long.

When I first started this blog in 2006 I was simply using this as a forum to practice writing for some English classes.  I was working as a Automation Controls specialist at Aims Community College and taking some classes at night.

Since then my kids have moved out, we to a new town, I changed careers, and somehow got a lot older.

Why Prairie flounder?  Why Sky fishing?  What you seek is here.

With this blog I simply share my life and views with the world at large.  According to the statistics that WordPress compiles that world is rather small, but filled with thoughtful and kind people.  Thanks.  So long story short, I will continue to provide photos, stories, and share what up to with whoever stumbles upon this blog.


I still like launching rockets, Setting off fireworks, building stuff, and traveling.

L2 Cert flight 2021

I am a prior member of the USAF and served my country as a combat engineer and was trained in welding, sheet metal work, and general mechanics, operated heavy equipment, and spent all my time either building or repairing things.

And, somehow, I have been  honorably discharged three times.  After discharge from the Air Force I became involved with heating and air conditioning, control systems, energy management, electronics, and computer programming.

I am now involved with commercial fireworks,  Robot building, Steam Punk art,  and traveling in our new Hiker Trailer.  (xapepod)

So if you find yourself in Northern Colorado and want to have some fun that may not be legal at home, feel free to look me up.

North 40 53.119’   West 104 38.324’
Come out for the noise, stay for the quiet.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. caveblogem says:

    The pumpkin picture rocks. I hope to meet you on the prairie soon. For now, the blogosphere will have to do. –Cave Blogem

  2. […] Hey prairieflounder, did you watch Withnail & I yet?  Just […]

  3. razzbuffnik says:

    Rockets…… mmmmmmm!

    I love all that stuff. One of these days, I’d like to go to Florida and watch a space shuttle take off.

    More power to you!

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