Haunted Horse

Well, the mustang was unwrapped this week in front of Denver International Airport.

DIA horse DIA

In 1992 artist Luis Jimenez was hired to create a horse statue for the grounds in front of Denver International.  Actually he was hired to create one for the inside of DIA but there was a dispute about this.   After some legal hassles and some money changing hands, it was decided that the statue would go outside. 

Something happened during the construction of this statue.

Something dark.

First the project was delayed for years due to the artist’s ill health. 

Then a portion of the horse came loose and smashed Luis.  He died shortly afterwards of his injuries. 

Finally, over fifteen years after the start of this project and over $300,000.00 invested, the horse was unveiled. 

Ugly horse

Red eyes, blue skin, bulging red veins, this sculpture began its life scaring children. 

I have to say it is excellent art; I like it in the same way that I like HR Giger’s works.  But it is not a welcoming beacon that you wish to see driving from DIA to Denver.

The statue seems to say “Welcome to Denver, now go away or be stomped do death by my mighty hoofs of vengeance!”

I get the feeling that the horse is looking for its rider from The Lord of the Rings.

It would have to be a huge Nazgoul to ride a 33′ horse.


17 thoughts on “Haunted Horse

  1. Layman Pong says:


  2. To show how un-cool I am I had to look up “word” on the urban dictionary.

    One thing I can allways count on, is learning something from Layman Pong.
    A one word lesson.


  3. Layman Pong says:

    A word to the wise suffices.

  4. Christine says:

    The eyes are so creepy on this horse when you drive by that I almost wrecked my truck!!

  5. Celano says:

    Quite possibly the most awesome piece of recent public art I’ve ever seen. Yes, it is menacing, and I like it! Even if everyone else hates this magnificent creature, it can’t be denied that it provokes a strong reponse. It’s so much better than the usual safe (weak) outdoor decorations of realistic respresentations of “upright citizens” or even “better” (and more common) random rusty dirty chunks of metal welded into meaningless shapes that are Oh-So-Popular here in my area. If you have to slap a plaque on it to tell veiwers what they should feel when you veiw it, or if all they feel is “meh”, it is not an effective piece of art. I envy Denver.

  6. Mason W.G AMABO says:

    D.I.A, Fascinating murals, Horse, Old Indian bones. intriguing runway designs.

  7. Andrew says:

    Keep. What a better statement that everything in life isn’t all angles and fluffy clouds. I think that it represents strength and what a better spot than to put the horse gazing over the front range. I think that the piece represents a “one man’s army” so to speak.

  8. Andrew says:

    Keep it. What a better statement that everything in life isn’t all angles and fluffy clouds. I think that it represents strength and what a better spot than to put the horse gazing over the front range. I think that the piece represents a “one man’s army” so to speak.

  9. trish says:

    Super creepy.But I hope it stays up a while. Its good for people to get the heebies right before a flight.

  10. drew says:

    if good art is defined as that which evokes a strong reaction then it must be cause it makes me wanna hurl – it reminds me of a 3d version of a giant velvet elvis – sadly no velvet though. It also reminds of those crazy airbrushed vans (you know the ones with the murals all over then) that were all the rage like 30 years ago. Sorry but I think its, well, shite.

  11. Scott says:

    If “not ugly” was a requirement for public art, we’d be down to a measly gallery of a few simple paintings of flowers. If interesting…thought/emotion provoking…visceral… history/back story…are considerations, any city will be lucky to get something like our beloved haunted Stallion, which my family voted to name either Bessie, or Hell-llion.

    • You are absolutely correct, if ugly art was removed from public display there would be a major decline in public art. That’s fine with me. I am actually a fan of this kind of artistic expression, where appropriate. For example I am a huge fan of HR Giger, but I do not believe that the proper venue is in front of a day care, church, or school. Likewise a sculpture of a demonic horse is appropriate for the entrance of an international air port. Maybe it should be bought, an appropriate rider chosen, placed in front of a WWE museum in Las Vegas.

  12. Adrienne Hatkin says:

    That is a scary-ass horse.

  13. Ray Jimenez says:

    I am Luis’ nephew.

    Prairieflounder, the horse is anything but demonic. It simply has to do with South Western/Vaquero art (Mexican Cowboy).

  14. Rickinator says:

    “I am a huge fan of HR Giger, but I do not believe that the proper venue is in front of a day care, church, or school.”

    awwww why not? wuss. and i like the horse. pansies!

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